Activities Reading Soiree and Book Exchange Fair at Senac SP Jundiaí unit with young apprentices from the city of Atibaia

case reports


  • Jânio dos Santos Mesquita Senac São Paulo
  • Marina Barbosa da Cruz Teixeira Senac São Paulo
  • Paula Cristina Rocha Ferreira Ferreira Senac São Paulo


sarau de leitura, feira de troca de livro, leitura literária


In order to promote reading, literacy and reading competence, essential elements for the citizen's formation of the subject, as well as contemplating the pillar of orality proposed by the BNCC which is fundamental for the development of the individual to master the language, the reports of of cases that will be presented here, the reading soiree and book exchange fair are used for these purposes as well as a driving tool to encourage reading, allowing them to include them in knowledge in a pleasant way and for them to feel welcomed and motivated.


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How to Cite

MESQUITA, J. dos S.; TEIXEIRA, M. B. da C.; FERREIRA, P. C. R. F. Activities Reading Soiree and Book Exchange Fair at Senac SP Jundiaí unit with young apprentices from the city of Atibaia: case reports. Senac.DOC: revista de informação e conhecimento, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 104–109, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.




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