Diversidade - muitas formas de ler e aprender o mundo
a experiência Semana Senac de Leitura 2020 digital.
: Events; Senac São Paulo Library Network, Semana Senac de Leitura and Diversity.Abstract
The 2020 Semana Senac de Leitura event format needed to be rethought by the team on its 5th edition, with the theme Diversity: many ways to read and learn the world. Faced with the pandemic and without any prospect to return to face-to-face activities the event that used to happen in person, with only the opening being broadcasted as a live action, on Senac São Paulo's YouTube channel, came with a new challenge, which was not exclusive to the group involved, since classes, lectures and various educational and socio-cultural activities were taking place in the virtual format. The article's premise is to describe the background and details of each stage of this reorganization and reinvention of the event, the participation of the teams, the selection and use of the technologies, the target audience, the marketing and broadcast of the event, as well as the performance of the guests and all the planning involved for the execution of the Week. Finally, we present the results achieved with the new format.
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